"Poppycock!" is the hilarious trivia game that rewards big brains & mischievous mouths.
Challenge friends and family as you "Poppycock!" your way through a series of quiz questions.
Unsure of an answer but think you can get away with bluffing? Deceive your opponents until they shout out "Poppycock!"
Clever meets crafty in this tactical game guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.
Make your way round the board by answering questions right.
Don't know the answer to a question? Doesn't matter. If you can bluff well enough & keep a straight face, your opponents might not even notice.
It's only when one of the others shouts out "Poppycock!" that you will be caught out. Think one of your opponents is trying it on? Shout out "Poppycock!" on their answer to keep them from advancing. Careful though - if they answered the question correctly after all, it will be you who loses out!